This year WordCamp Louisville has partnered with WordPress 101 to bring a subset of attendees a beginners workshop. This workshop is designed for those who have zero to very little knowledge of the workings of WordPress.
The workshop will run from 9:45AM until Noon — We will then break for lunch. After lunch, workshop attendees will have their choice of attending the afternoon Class Sessions, or hanging out to network and mingle with development & web design firms.
Attendees are highly encouraged to bring a laptop, and participate in this workshop HANDS on.
Additional information about domains and hosting will be communicated to attendees of this workshop via email, or on the phone.
NOTE: Because we will need to setup and correctly point your domains ( not required, we can setup a sample site for you ) we will have to stop work shop ticket sales on Wednesday, September 28th, 2011.
You can Buy Tickets here.
Thanks for supporting Wordcamp Louisville 2011!